Karma/Law of Reflection
The law of recompense may possibly be better named the law of reflection. This is because every act is reflected back to its doer, every thought is reflected back to its source, as if by a vast cosmic mirror…, Excerpt2014-12-12
All things contribute to the making of man–the history of his past and the climate of his land, the people among whom he is born, and his own particular tendencies. The most important is his karma.
Karma is the precise result of what a man thinks and does. His reaction to events and situations is the precise result of what he is, his stage in evolution…, Excerpt2020-02-12
Karma expresses itself through events which may seem to be accidents. But they are so only on the surface.
The result of wrong-doing will reach a man in the end and teach him the value of its opposite. If he stubbornly needs many lessons and many classes in life’s school before he is willing to accept this value, the fact is regrettable and his suffering is inevitable.
The Law of Karma makes each man responsible for his own life. The materialist who denies karma and places all the blame and burden upon the shoulders of environment and heredity denies responsibility. He begins and ends with an illusion.
… Our wrong-doing produces sorrows, not only for others but principally for ourselves. Our good action produces a rebound of good fortune. We may not escape from the operation of this subtle law of moral responsibility…, Excerpt2017-07-24
He may deceive himself or others, but he cannot deceive the power of karma. Before it, he must stand responsible for his acts and receive their due effects. There is no other way he can go.
Everyone has to feel and think and act and speak. But everyone does not perceive the consequences, near or remote, swift or slow, of these operations. Whoever chooses a wrong aim or an unworthy desire must endure the consequences of his choice. In every evil act, its painful recoil lies hidden. The process is a cumulative one. Each act begets a further one in the same downward direction. Each departure from righteousness makes return more difficult.
…Those who understand the principle of karma aright, who do not misunderstand it as being an external independent fate but see it as a force originally set in motion by our actions, understand also the significant part played by suffering in the lives of men. It is educative rather than retributive…, Excerpt2011-05-17
… Each man gets his special set of experiences, which no one else gets. Each life is individual and gets from the law of recompense those which it really needs, not those which someone else needs. The way in which he reacts to the varied pleasant and unpleasant situations which develop in everyday life will be a better index to the understanding he has gained than any mystical visions painted by the imagination., Excerpt2011-10-18
… He knows that each experience which comes to him is what he most needs at the time, even though it be what he likes least. He needs it because it is in part nothing else than his own past thinking, feeling, and doing come back to confront him to enable him to see and study their results in a plain, concrete, unmistakable form…, Excerpt2012-08-08
Although karma is clinched by what a man does in fact, it is built up also by what he long thinks and strongly feels.
Even deliberate inaction does not escape the making of a karmic consequence. It contains a hidden decision not to act and is therefore a form of action!
Men act out of self-interest; but through ignorance of the higher laws, especially that of karma, they may act against that interest.
People should be warned that cause and effect rule in the moral realm no less than in the scientific realm. They should be trained from childhood to take this principle into their calculation. They should be made to feel responsible for setting causes into action that invite suffering or attract trouble or lead to frustration.
If men knew that the law of compensation was no less operative than the law of their country, they would unquestionably become more careful.
Events and environments are attracted to man partly according to what he is and does (individual karma), partly according to what he needs and seeks (evolution), and partly according to what the society, race, or nation of which he is a member is, does, needs, and seeks (collective karma).
Those who will not learn from correct reflection about their experiences will have to learn from kicks delivered by the fresh karma they make.
Karma is as active in the destiny of great powerful nations as in the destiny of poor insignificant men.
The thing that really matters in the life of a nation is the quality of its leaders, the character of those who guide its destinies…, Excerpt2019-09-03
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