The Ego manipulates
The ego poses as being the only self, the real self, the whole self. 2017-11-22
… He must begin with the axiom that the ego is ceaselessly deceiving him, misleading him, ruling him…, Excerpt2018-07-04
The ego is sitting at his side waiting to deceive him subtly into making wrong decisions and false interpretations, if they will hinder his growth into truth and thus preserve its own life.
That which keeps us busy with one kind of activity after another–mental as well as physical–until we fall asleep tired, is nothing other than the ego. In that way it diverts one’s attention from the need of engaging in the supremely important activity–the struggle with and destruction of the ego itself.
When the ego sees a danger to its own continued existence in any proposed move or decision, it creates fears, invents false hopes, and exaggerates difficulties in order to prevent it.
… The ego will do everything possible to preserve its existence and devise every possible means to secure its future…, Excerpt2018-03-08
The ego constantly invents ways and means to defeat the quest’s objective. And it does this more indefatigably and more cunningly than ever when it pretends to co-operate with the quest and share its experiences.
If he is willing to look for them, he will find the hidden workings of the ego in the most unsuspected corners, even in the very midst of his loftiest spiritual aspirations. The ego is unwilling to die and will even welcome this large attrition of its scope if that is its only way of escape from death…, Excerpt2019-11-30
One day he will feel utterly tired of the ego, will see how cunningly and insidiously it has penetrated all his activities, how even in supposedly spiritual or altruistic activities he was merely working for the ego. In this disgust with his earthly self, he will pray for liberation from it…, Excerpt2015-10-06
With one part of himself he honestly seeks truth, but with another part he tries to evade it.
Most aspirants will submit themselves to all sorts of disciplines for the body, the passions, and the mind but they will not submit to the one discipline that really matters. They cling to their precious ego…, Excerpt2020-01-29
Although the ego claims to be engaged in a war against itself, we may be certain that it has no intention of allowing a real victory to be achieved but only a pseudo-victory…, Excerpt2016-08-15
It is easy to recognize some of the attachments from which he must loose himself–the greeds, the lusts, and the gluttonies–but it is not so easy to recognize the subtler ones. These start with attachment to his own ideas, his own beliefs; they end with attachment to his own ego.
It is more prudent to be habitually suspicious of his own ego, and its motives, than not.
If true light can come only from within a man, every outer method of bringing it to him must be in reality a method which leads him astray.
It is an old, known fact that the truth can be very disturbing and that is why it is more honoured than practised. Let us ask, To whom is it disturbing? and we shall find that the answer refers to the personal ego.
… Life is a struggle for all; only the wise struggle ego-lessly, but they struggle all the same. They have to because the adverse element in Nature is forever at war, tearing down where they build, stimulating strife where they give peace, and enslaving minds where they lead to freedom., Excerpt2019-08-13
When he sees how the little personal self has brought him so much pain sorrow disappointment and waste of years, that even when it brought him success the latter turned out to be false and deceptive, he will become disgusted with it. He will not want to live with the ego any longer and will yearn to get away from it altogether.
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